EMU Poster Prizes 2013

EMU Poster Prizes were given at the Goldschmidt Conference in Florence, Italy, August 25-30, 2013.

One of the recipients of the poster prize was Katy Jane Chamberlain (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) for her contribution Combined diffusion studies in sanidine, quartz and orthopyroxene: Timescales of magma mixing in the Bishop Tuff.



One of the recipients of the poster prize was Yu-Ya Gao (State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution, Chinese Academy of Sciences) for her contribution Li isotopes in zircon: Effects of Li substitution and kinetic fractionation.







The third recipient was Katarzyna Lisowiec (ING PAN Warsaw, Poland) for her contribution Chemical Composition of Apatite as a Tool for Modeling Composite-Pluton Evolution Using Polytopic Vector Analysis (PVA).