In 2013, EMU supported by grants four young scientists who attended the Goldschmidt conference in Florence, Italy.
These sessions and selected young scientists benefited from the EMU support:
10f. Microbe/Mineral Interfaces and their Role in Biomineralization Processes
Renée van de Locht (University of York, United Kingdom) (co-authors A. Verch, M. Saunders, K. Sand, R. Kröger): Correlation between Crystallization Patterns and Diurnal Growth Bands in Scleractinian Corals
13d. Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Mine Wastes
Patricia Acero (University of Zaragoza, Spain) (co-authors R. Pérez-López, C. Ayora, D. Quispe, J.M. Nieto): Assessment of Seasonal Variations in the Mineralogical and Geochemical Features of Sulfide Mine Tailings
22g. GEOLIFE – Geomaterials for Environment, Technology and Human Activities
Lara Gigli (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy) (co-authors R. Arletti, S. Quartieri and G. Vezzalini): Fluorenone dye-zeolite L hybrid: a novel optical material
Arjen Van Veelen (University of Manchester, United Kingdom) (co-authors R. Copping, G.T.W. Law, A.J. Smith, J.R. Bargar, D.K.S.): Uranyl on Mg-rich minerals: Polarisation Dependent EXAFS.