EMU Notes Volume 7

Available on the GeoScienceWorld website.


Chapter 1. Introduction to minerals under extreme conditions
and Daniel J. FROST, page 1 to 30

Chapter 2. Mineral structures, defects and their evolution with pressure and temperature
Ronald MILETICH and Thomas MALCHEREK, page 31 to 64

Chapter 3. Silicate melts at extreme conditions
Sharon L. WEBB, page 65 to 94

Chapter 4.Elastic and piezoelectric properties of minerals I. Principles and experimental approaches
and Siegfried HAUSSÜHL, page 95 to 116

Chapter 5.Basics of first-principles simulation of matter under extreme conditions
Daniel Y. JUNG and Artem R. OGANOV, page 117 to 138

Chapter 6.Displacive phase transitions
Thomas MALCHEREK, page 139 to 172

Chapter 7. Elastic and piezoelectric properties of minerals II. Structure-property relationships
Jürgen SCHREUER and Siegfried HAUSSÜHL, page 173 to 198

Chapter 8. Mineral surfaces – part I: Surface-sensitive techniques
page 199 to 216

Chapter 9. Diamonds as optical windows to extreme conditions
Reinhard BOEHLER,
page 217 to 224

Chapter 10. Fluid-mineral interaction at high pressure
and Andreas AUDÉTAT, page 225 to 252

Chapter 11. Mineral surfaces – part II: Structure and reactivity
S.L.S. STIPP, page 253 to 272

Chapter 12. Laser heating at megabar pressures: Melting temperatures if iron and other transition metals
Reinhard BOEHLER, page 273 to 280

Chapter 13. Diffraction techniques: Shedding light on structural changes at extreme conditions
Ronald MILETICH, page 281 to 338

Chapter 14. Plastic deformation of minerals at high pressure: Experimental techniques
Patrick CORDIER, Hélène COUVY, Sébastien MERKEL and Donald WEIDNER, page 339 to 356

Chapter 15. Shock experiments on minerals: Basic physics and techniques
and Ulrich HORNEMANN, page 357 to 388

Chapter 16. Plastic deformation of minerals at high pressure: Multiscale numerical modelling
Patrick CORDIER, Fabrice BARBE, Julien DURINCK, Andrea TOMMASI and Andrew M. WALKER, page 389 to 416

Chapter 17. Viscoelasticity of the Earth’s mantle
Sharon L. WEBB, page 417 to 440

Chapter 18. Theory of minerals at extreme conditions: Predictability of structures and properties
Donat J. ADAMS and Artem R. OGANOV, page 441 to 457

Name index page 459

Subject index page 467