Benedetta Periotto
Department of Geography and Geology
Copenhagen, Denmark
obtained the EMU Poster Prize for the contribution
“Comparison of HP data for X-ray diffraction in Beand diamond-backed DACs”
presented at the 26th European Crystallographic Meeting, Darmstadt, Germany; August 29 – September 2, 2010.
Kateřina Schlöglová
Institute of Petrology & Structural Geology
Faculty of Science
Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
obtained the EMU Poster Prize for the contribution
“Preservation of prograde high-pressure assemblages and textures in granulites from the Rychleby Mts., Bohemian Massif”, presented at the 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Budapest, Hungary; August 21-27, 2010.
Edina Szappanosné Vágá
Mineralogical Department
Section of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Geneva, Switzerland
obtained the EMU Poster Prize for the contribution
“Fluid inclusion investigation and Re-Os dating of the Pataz-Parcoy intrusion-hosted gold deposits, Eastern Cordillera, Peru”
presented at the 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Budapest, Hungary; August 21-27, 2010.
Eva Wadoski
Mineralogical Crystallography
Institute of Geological Sciences
University of Bern, Switzerland
obtained the EMU Poster Prize for the contribution
“Stepwise dehydration of goosecreekite: a structural study”
presented at the 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Budapest, Hungary; August 21-27, 2010.
Katherine Crispin
Case Western Reserve University
Department of Geological Sciences
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
obtained the EMU Poster Prize for the contribution
“The influence of electronic structure on diffusion in periclase: the crystal field effect”
presented at the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria; May 2 – 7, 2010.
Congratulation to these impressing researchers !